Community Event Series
Our Community Series program highlights topics of local interest, with presentations by community members or experts in their fields. Usually held on selected weekday mornings, programs are free to the public.
Click here to view pictures from past community event series.
Past Community Events
Our Community Series presentations have focused in the past on the following:
Starkville’s neighboring towns and communities (Sturgis, Maben, Oktoc, Sessums) within the county (Joan Wilson, Arma de la Cruz, and committee, organizers)
Christmas memories (informal participation)
Quilts (Carole Gospodnetich and Kay Henry, organizers)
Yesteryear slide show (Ruth Morgan and Jimmy Cole, presenters)
Ham radio (Jerry Drott, presenter)
History of trains in the county (David Bridges, presenter)
Reminiscences of Bob Buchanan, former Negro Baseball League pitcher (Bill Poe, organizer)
German submarines in the Gulf of Mexico during WWII (Bill Lee, presenter)
Digital archaeology and digital archiving (Paul Jacobs, presenter)
Memories of the home front during WWII (informal roundtable discussion)
Experiences of former military pilots in later wars (informal roundtable discussion)
History of aviation in the county (formal panel discussion)
Needmore community of yesteryear (panel discussion by black leaders, with audience participation; Betsy Longest and Ruth Morgan, program organizers)
Scanning Day (MSU library staff scanned documents and photos as a free service for the community)
Native Americans program (lecture/demonstration on how prehistoric Indians made and used tools for hunting animals and making clothes. Pat Arinder, presenter)
Black bears in Mississippi (MSU Graduate student researcher Nick Fowler, presenter)
Second Needmore program (Charles “LaLa” Evans, organizer and leader)
Old Main Dormitory program (Dr. Charles Lowery, presenter, with audience participation)